Happy Mother's Day!  

Posted by Zee

You know something is up when your mum asks you if there are any shopping promotions going on in Melbourne, as she mine did a few days ago.

"What for, mum?"

It was a not so subtle hint that Mother's Day was upon us.

"I'm not sure if they celebrate it over there..."

As I assured her that yes, last I checked, Mother's Day was a western concept, and no I hadn't noticed any unusual promotions, besides the cohortations to just buy your mother a gift card to splurge at some warehouse on TV.

Well whether it's breakfast in bed for your mum, or a card, or a surprise trip to a swanky restaurant, do make her feel appreciated! And remember, you could always do worse.

This entry was posted on 2009-05-10 at Sunday, May 10, 2009 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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