
Posted by Zee

What's there to detract from boring assignments and tedious deadlines? Well what about raving zombie hoards?
Yepp, you heard that right. I was alerted by unearthly growls and moaning from downstairs. "Brains... Brains... Gwaarrrh!"

Turns out it's the Melbourne Zombie Shuffle 2009, and the zombie hoards are moving down Swanston Street. Figures a zombie walk would have something to do with Social Relations wouldn't it? I mean, organized public gathering in an urban centre? Go figure.

Anyway, I grabbed a camera and was down on the street within minutes. Braving the deathless stares and blood flecked teeth, I was soon amongst their midst and snapping away.

And in case you're wondering, no I didn't get bitten. There's already the swine flu epidemic to worry about other than contagious zombie rabies or whatever they're spreading.

Here's a few shots for those of you who weren't there.

Zombies petition labour for equal rights.

Think we might get a better view up here, Fred?

It's just a bad hair day, I swear!

Figures even zombies have to wait for the lights...

This entry was posted on 2009-05-09 at Saturday, May 09, 2009 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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