For Tian  

Posted by Zee

The day before I left for Melbourne, my sister left a souvenir in my camera. So I presume she'd be fine with me posting it up on the internet. Here she is.

I hope that hasn't put you off eating for the entirety of next week, but trust me, she's usually better looking than that. Or perhaps not.

Anyway, it's her birthday today and since she doesn't want to personally fly down to collect her present, and being the thoughtful brother I am, I've taken a picture so she can check it out. Mind you, she's been trying to return/reject birthday gifts from me that don't meet her expectations since forever, so I might just have hit upon a solution.

Happy Birthday Sis!

This entry was posted on 2009-03-07 at Saturday, March 07, 2009 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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